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and 13 key Questions to Ask Before You Start” eBook

A highly experienced brand consultant works with you to grow your business, and/or increase the impact your organisation has within its target market, through developing and deploying your brand, so you can increase your influence and revenue.
An expert brand strategy consultant also serves as your ‘backstage’ resource, meeting with and manage the team charged with effecting the development and growth of your brand — internally and externally, depending on your project scope and resources.
The role also includes providing an expert-led leadership sounding board for plans, ideas, coupled with a techniques source for implementation. It also entails being the devil’s advocate on key moves, providing strong brand direction and facilitating the complete transformation process.
A brand consultant with international experience will also bring to bear professional high performance branding strategy and techniques from other successful organisations which have undergone similar transformations — so you can leverage that expertise to increase your brand impact and grow your sales.
Typically, a brand consultant works with you to:
1. Identify and agree your brand’s growth objectives aligned with your strategic plans
2. Evaluate your current status, so you can establish your brand’s baseline to move forward
3. Map out your brand as a highly differentiated standout entity to influence customer choice
Map out your brand as a standalone entity, so you can identify and clearly articulate what makes your brand measurably different, distinctive, credible, trustworthy and very desirable, because this enables you to increase your influence and attract your ideal customers consistently — increase your profits.
The Persona Brand Building Blueprint™, a proprietary framework, utilises a consultatively facilitated and co-creative process that also entails re-evaluating your positioning and value proposition coupled with productisation (service or product related), so you can maximise on upsells and cross-sells. The outputs are captured, developed and distilled in your Master Brand Strategy document, so you have clear direction, differentiators and messaging frameworks to draw from for your marketing activation and creative design application to drive growth.
4. Develop and apply your brand implementation plan to drive faster more profitable growth
Develop and apply your brand implementation growth plan using your Master Brand Strategy document and Brand Audit insights to provide direction and creative briefs, for application in both your marketing campaigns and brand design execution.
The scope of your Brand Implementation Plan is determined by your strategic objectives, timelines and resources. Your brand project brief, whether marketing campaign or design execution focussed, is an output from your Master Brand Strategy document, and provides the essential direction and application details aligned to your organisational strategy, so your deployments and activations are tightly managed within those contexts.
This avoids the hazards of subjective choices with marketing or design going off track or getting caught up in distracting gimmicks that produce short term or zero results because they’re not ‘on brand’ or aligned with what your brand stands for or fully focussed on your achieving your strategic plan.
It’s important to remember that the quality of your results achieved are dependent on the quality of the outputs from your brand audit and brand strategy, coupled with the resources you choose to leverage and assign to the project.
A great brand strategy or really insightful brand audit is not very useful if it’s not fit for purpose and tailored to your organisation’s size, requirements and resources, i.e. the people and finance you can harness to get the job done.
5. Internalise your brand building capabilities and skills to increase profits consistently
A strong brand consultant is also focussed on preventing problems and inconsistencies before expensive or compromising brand issues arise, so internalising your brand building knowledge and skills through both leadership development, internal team brand working sessions, training, mentoring and brand ambassador up-skilling is also an important part of the brand consultant’s responsibilities when required.
This overall framework ideally includes providing ongoing leadership direction and internal team advisory support to enable you to mitigate vulnerabilities, increase your profitability and grow your sales faster.
Your brand consultant preferably uses an ongoing process that is tracked and measured against agreed milestones, objectives and key performance indicators so that refinements can be implemented where needed fast.
Can you identify one or more of these requirements or problems listed below in the context of your organisation? If you do, then it would probably be a good investment of your time to have a conversation with a well-reputed brand consultant:
The truth is, you don’t need a degree or masters in branding to build your brand effectively, so you can increase your profitability or organisational reach — as proven by many of our clients. However, you do need to be able to tap into that brand consultant expertise, leverage that knowledge, internalise the key principles and apply brand strategy consistently.
Depending on the scale or complexity of your brand requirements, a brand consultant can potentially work with you from six months up to a couple of years. It can be longer if you want leadership expertise to support your business growth, particularly if you are growing rapidly, or if you have specific projects requiring a brand consultant’s expertise to inform and lead the change process in your organisation.
A brand consultant can be actively involved in implementation details, working with the team tasked with the rebranding, launch to market or whole transformation, or provide an overall leadership advisory role within your organisation over a specifically defined timeline.
Short timeline launches or relaunch plans are pragmatically addressed to fit within your organisational objectives. Longer timeline implementation of bigger plans typically entail between twelve and twenty-four months input with your brand building application plan mapped out in detail on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. This ensures you and your team have a clear execution plan, agreed milestones and shared accountability to achieve consistent growth.
Ideally, the project work should be structured with agreed milestones, so you can see progressive results. This ensures your return on investment or payback is faster. It also enables you to manage risk because you can make changes should you not see the results you desire in a specific area. During and at the end of the defined project period, you make joint evaluations on the successes achieved and next steps.
Working with you, we build bespoke brand frameworks
eProgrammes and eCourses developed from over 20 years plus of brand building expertise, leveraging big-brand know-how using the modular Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ system. All the Persona Design programmes use proven processes — tried and tested by highly experienced brand consultants with decades of successful international brand building to drive growth with transformational brand building frameworks — created to help you achieve your growth objectives. Whether you’re building a new brand, re-evaluating an existing one because it needs a health check or rebranding an older one entirely, these programmes enable you to make your brand more profitable and successful.
Branding is NOT marketing or design but part of the underpinning strategy aligned with your business strategy. Brand strategy informs and directs your marketing campaigns and design execution, so the Persona Design brand leadership frameworks, speaking, brand building intensives, mentoring and workshops are built as transformational catalysts because this ensures you’re empowered to build a more profitable and highly successful business. When your brand culture thrives vibrantly throughout your organisation — across
As lead brand consultant Lorraine Carter, Adv. Dip. Des. TUD, MMII, MIDI, MICAD, is an expert in brand building to drive commercial growth and high performance. Founder of Persona Branding & Design, she’s won multiple awards over the last twenty years working with brands on national and international markets, many of which are household names.
Brands small and large like: Version1, University of Greenwich, Nestlé, Kerry Foods, Eurofound, Enterprise Ireland, Law Society of Ireland, Radisson Blu, SOLAS – the State agency tasked with building a world class Further Education and Training (FET) sector to fuel Ireland’s future, AMCIS – the Admissions, Marketing & Communications Association for Independent UK Schools, Tesco, Castle Brands, Aldi, Wavin, Massey Bros., Thunders Bakery, MoveHome, Dr. Tanya Pergola/Terrawatu, Abberley Luxury Yachts, Saba and MGI Learning to name a few.
“She enables you to become your ideal target audiences’ favourite No.1 brand — product, service or corporate entity — and a super savvy brand builder.” – Ozana Giucsa, Founder Tooliers
Lorraine’s methodologies and systems, such as the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ System and How to Build a Brand Programme are used globally and also feature on The Economist Group platform [Persona Branding own the IP].
Her skill lies in enabling you and your team to build commercial resilience and leverage new trends, to make your brand highly visible, different, credible, trusted, memorable and much loved amongst your primary audiences, so you can be Unstoppable in Uncertainty — Be The One — leave your competitors far behind because you’re the preferred premium priced brand of choice as you grow your brand and revenue sustainably and faster.
The focus is on taking under performing or under-leveraged brand entities (personal, corporate, product or service B2B and B2C) and, working with business leaders, owners, managers and entrepreneurs to transform them into more successful highly recognised and trusted brand names much liked and admired amongst their primary audience.
An international branding expert and professional speaker Lorraine is also a masterclass leader, advisor, M.Sc guest lecturer, facilitator, published writer, designer and mentor. She creates, facilitates and delivers programmes in effective brand creation, building and management, is Winner of Best Blog Ireland of an SME and is also a former winner of Business Woman of the Year, Dublin and listed as one of the top 1,000 Women of Influence in Ireland in the Irish Tatler Business Annual.
She’s worked both on and off camera with state broadcasters and independent producers and has directed hundreds of still shoots in Ireland and overseas. She’s also featured in The Sunday Business Post Newspaper, ICOGRADA, Irish Times Newspaper, Law Society Gazette, Design&Design, Retail News, Creativ Verpacken, Irish Packaging Year Book, Irish Tatler Magazine and various TV, radio and podcast interviews.
Access complimentary articles each week that give you proven brand strategies for growing a very profitable business using big-brand know-how and becoming a highly visible, credible and much loved, standout brand. Free Bonus Gift “Top 20 Rebranding Mistakes to Avoid and 13 Key Questions To Ask Before You Start”