New Lash Emporium Launch to Market !

Exciting news for all you beauty aficionados, The Lash Emporium has launched to market with an exclusive range of easy to apply, long lasting, handmade lashes in their newly revamped lash packaging.


Lash Emporium New Packs 


With true commitment to market research the girls have all tried them out extensively and are now, needless to say, complete brand advocates ! 


With over 40 different sorts to choose from they’re selling like hot cakes. You’ll find them in your nearest Avoca Store, beauty salons and select pharmacies !

Tilley’s Confectionery brand revamp award!

Tilley’s Confectionery brand revamp and new packaging won the day with Design&Design.

Tilleys Range 600px

Read the Case Study here

Persona Design Wins for McConnells Gourment Smoked Foods

McConnells Gourment Smoked Foods brand revamp and new packaging won in the IDI Best Packaging Design Awards as a Commended Finalist.

Mcconnells Gourmet Smoked

Read the Case Study here