Online Branding

Online Branding and The Fundamentals of Getting it Right so You Thrive in Adversity

Are you finding it a bit challenging to communicate relevantly in the current market? Is the massive shift to predominately online branding in a world of lockdown, social distancing and leading remotely adding to the multiple demands of adapting your business fast during and post Covid-19?

In this recent interview with Ellen Gunning on Meadiascope we’re discussing the differences between online and offline branding together with the challenges of branding in adversity.

Listen in because there are undoubtedly valuable insights here to help you avoid costly mistakes, re-evaluate your fundamentals, build with the things that really matter — coupled with discovering a new better way of doing things so you can thrive in uncertainty.

Amongst everything, we discuss:

  1. What branding is
  2. Why it matters
  3. How online branding differs from offline branding  
  4. What to consider when there’s a high level of market, customer and stakeholder uncertainty when branding in a crisis so you can engage relevantly and effectively to build brand trust

Top 10 Tips to Ensure Your Online Branding Thrives in Uncertainty

  1. Adopt an iterative mindset
  2. Carve out time to map out or re-evaluate your branding strategy – given the world has radically changed maybe now is the time to conduct a brand audit health check so you can identify your strengths, weakness and opportunities for innovation and growth in the context of the very different and new market?
  3. Understand before you act, communicate simply, clearly and effectively in your online branding and offline
  4. Focus on your brand’s why, your bigger purpose so you stay true to who you are and connect authentically with your customers – be human
  5. Leverage data in your online branding – get help if it’s not your core skillset 
  6. Don’t spend any money on marketing campaigns or design until you have your brand strategy properly developed — it’s even more important with lean resources
  7. Consistently apply your online branding across all relevant channels
  8. Train up and empower your team to execute and deliver on your brand strategy
  9. Set your key performance indicators, financial targets, measure and evaluate your ROI 
  10. Think of branding strategy as an ongoing process of managing change to stay relevant and profitable in a highly disruptive world

Related: Branding in a Crisis, 5 Practical Steps so You Match to the Moment Brilliantly

Are you a business leader, manager or entrepreneur who wants to re-evaluate or build your brand strategy so you can stay relevant, effectively thrive through adversity, leverage new trends to increase your sales? Are you curious about how to build or scale a highly successful standout brand? Join one of our branding masterclasses because they empower you to build your brand, enhance customer experience, expand your market impact and create higher perceived value so you can command a premium. 

In fact, the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ Mastermind is all about fast-tracking you, your brand and your business through the brand building, agile branding strategy process using professional big-brand know-how with proven systems that get results so you can grow your business faster and more effectively. 

The programme enables you to make your brand highly visible, different, credible, trustworthy, memorable and much loved amongst your ideal customers so you can become more profitable and leave your competitors way behind. Be The One — your ideal customers’ favourite brand of preferred choice commanding a premium.

If you want a tailor-made solution specifically for your brand then we also provide inhouse bespoke Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ Intensives working with you and your team so you can grow your business faster and more profitably. Contact us to discover more [email protected] or +353 1 8322724

If you’d like to discover more about building and maintaining a thriving, high performing, highly profitable standout brand, then get in touch because we’d love to help you make your brand into a profit powerhouse.

  1. Schedule an appointment — we can meet in person or online
  2. Allow us to create a customised plan for you
  3. Let’s implement the plan together  
  4. Contact us [email protected] or ring +353 1 8322724 (GMT Dublin/London time 9:00 – 17:30 weekdays)

Lorraine Carter is a branding expert and international speaker delivering talks live streaming online and offline that inspire and motivate along with online and offline masterclasses and workshops that inform and support transformational outcomes fast, and consultancy expertise that solves problems — using agile branding strategy underpinned by professional big-brand know-how — so you can outshine, outperform and leave your competitors way behind. 

She enables you to Be The One — your ideal customers’ favourite brand — commanding a premium with 7-figure growth.

Branding in a Crisis


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Your Persona Client Satisfaction Guarantee

  1. When you work with us we’ll create a customised brand-building plan and strategy with clear investment for you tailored to your specific requirements and preferences
  2. You’ll know each step of your brand building journey before we start because we’ll discuss it, document it and agree on it with you before work commences
  3. You’ll have timelines, key milestones and deliverables to evaluate and approve for each stage and part of your brand building process
  4. Because we know the unexpected sometimes happens we can make adjustments along the way if you need it and if something extra is requested we’ll ensure you’re fully appraised about what that entails before committing
  5. As we achieve pre-agreed objectives you’ll be able to evaluate your brand building work and strategy in progress, coupled with the outcomes to ensure return on investment

Get in touch today because we’d love to enable you to re-evaluate and build your standout, powerhouse brand so you can Be The One — increase your profits and leave your competitors way behind.

T: +353 1 8322724 (9:00 – 17:30 Mon – Fri GMT)

E: [email protected]